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Bridge the Gap Scholarships

Bridge the Gap Scholarships directly support those who need it most: academically motivated students who are unable to register for classes the next semester due to financial constraints. These need-based scholarships allow students in good academic standing the ability to continue their studies, providing each recipient the opportunity to earn a degree that they may have never been able to achieve without this support. Your gift can help Sycamores make it to the finish line. 

If you want to support one of the Bridge the Gap Funds, click one of the links below.

Bridge the Gap General Scholarships

Bailey College of Engineering & Technology Bridge the Gap Scholarship

Bayh College of Education Bridge the Gap Scholarship 

College of Arts and Sciences Bridge the Gap Scholarship 

College of Health and Human Services Bridge the Gap Scholarship 

Scott College of Business Bridge the Gap Scholarship

Project Success Bridge the Gap Scholarship

If you want to search for other Bridge the Gap funds, or other Give to Blue Day giving priorities, click on the GIVE NOW button at the top of this page. This will take you to the main donation page where you can search for a giving priority or fund by keyword.

Give to Blue Day 100 Student Donors Challenge
When 100 Students make a gift on Give to Blue Day, it will unlock a $2,500 gift from the ISU Credit Union to the Student Philanthropy Organization!
100 / 100 Donors
Give to Blue Day Total Donors Leaderboard
Who is leading with the most donors!
Rank Department Donors
1 Sycamore Athletics 565
2 College of Arts and Sciences 252
3 Scott College of Business 157
4 Fraternity and Sorority Life 135
5 Bayh College of Education 131
Bailey College of Engineering & Technology Donor Leaderboard
Who is leading with the most donors in BCET?
Rank Fund Designation Donors
1 Bailey College of Engineering and Technology Bridge the Gap Scholarship 12
2 Quentin P. Smith, Sr. Endowed Aviation Scholarship 11
3 Bailey College of Engineering & Technology Dean's Innovation Fund 10
4 Aviation Technology Department 9
5 Bailey College of Engineering & Technology Exploration for K-12 8
Bayh College of Education Dollar Leaderboard
Who is leading with the most dollars raised in the BCOE!
Rank Fund Designation Raised
1 Lawrence and Norma Beymer Endowed Scholarship $7,000.00
2 Bayh College of Education Dean's Fund for Strategic Initiatives $3,546.00
3 Bayh College of Education Scholarship Fund $2,633.00
4 Early Childhood Education Center $1,790.00
5 Grosjean Clinic Programmatic Fund $614.00
College of Arts & Sciences Donor Leaderboard
Who has the most donors in the CAS?
Rank Fund Designation Donors
1 Theater Department 37
2 Dr. Stephen Gage #LoveMusic Memorial Scholarship 27
3 Political Science Department 20
4 Marching Band Fund 20
5 Summer Theater 15
College of Health and Human Services Donor Leaderboard
Who is leading with the most donors in the CHHS!
Rank Fund Designation Donors
1 Doctorate of Athletic Training Education/Programming Fund 28
2 Sport Management 10
3 College of Health and Human Services Dean's Fund 9
4 Health and Human Services Student Emergency Fund 8
5 Erik Dalton Myoskeletal Massage Therapy Endowed Scholarship 8
Scott College of Business Donor Leaderboard
Who is leading with the most donors in the SCOB!
Rank Fund Designation Donors
1 Scott College of Business Dean's Innovation Fund 37
2 Gamma Iota Sigma Program Fund 16
3 Networks Professional Development Program 15
4 Undergraduate Scholarships 12
5 Accounting Program 10
$50,000 Gift Challenge!
If a donor makes a $50,000 gift on Give to Blue Day, it will unlock a $50,000 gift to the Fund for ISU from Jeff and Penny Taylor!
$50,000 / $50,000 Raised
Give to Blue Day 250 Donors Challenge
When we receive a total of 250 donors to Give to Blue Day, it will unlock a $8,500 gift to the Fund for ISU from Mike and Amy Alley!
250 / 250 Donors
Give to Blue Day 1,000 Donor Challenge
When we receive a total of 1,000 donors to Give to Blue Day, it will unlock a $50,000 gift to the Fund for ISU from Jeff and Penny Taylor!
1,000 / 1,000 Donors
Give to Blue Day Total Dollars Leaderboard
Who is leading the way with the most dollars raised!
Rank Department Raised
1 Sycamore Athletics $444,083.21
2 College of Arts and Sciences $192,263.34
3 Scott College of Business $171,294.00
4 The Fund for ISU $140,736.00
5 Bridge the Gap Scholarships $65,690.00
Bailey College of Engineering & Technology Dollar Leaderboard
Who is receiving the most dollars in BCET?
Rank Fund Designation Raised
1 Bailey College of Engineering and Technology Packaging Program $1,700.00
2 Bailey College of Engineering & Technology Dean's Innovation Fund $1,045.00
3 Built Environment $955.00
4 Michael and Mary McGuire Scholarship of Excellence $785.00
5 Bailey College of Engineering & Technology Exploration for K-12 $715.00
Bayh College of Education Donor Leaderboard
Who is leading with the most donors in the BCOE!
Rank Fund Designation Donors
1 Bayh College of Education Scholarship Fund 32
2 Bayh College of Education Dean's Fund for Strategic Initiatives 30
3 Grosjean Clinic Programmatic Fund 14
4 Early Childhood Education Center 11
5 Rowe Center for Communicative Disorders 11
College of Arts & Sciences Dollar Leaderboard
Who is leading with the most dollars raised?
Rank Fund Designation Raised
1 Yang Family Art Enrichment Fund $22,500.00
2 Dr. Paul W. Mausel, EES Graduate Research/Travel Award $10,000.00
3 History Department $3,710.00
4 Cybercriminology and Security Studies $3,325.00
5 Theater Department $2,525.00
College of Health and Human Services Dollar Leaderboard
Who is leading the way with the most dollars raised in the CHHS!
Rank Fund Designation Raised
1 Health and Human Services Student Emergency Fund $5,625.00
2 Center for Sports Medicine and Performance $2,585.00
3 Nursing Student Emergency Fund $2,020.00
4 Doctorate of Athletic Training Education/Programming Fund $1,490.00
5 Applied Health Sciences Department $1,025.00
Scott College of Business Dollar Leaderboard
Who is raising the most dollars in the SCOB!
Rank Fund Designation Raised
1 Scott College of Business Dean's Innovation Fund $11,544.00
2 Undergraduate Scholarships $6,925.00
3 Paul Merton Stanley, Jr. MBA Endowed Scholarship $6,000.00
4 Larry & Buffy Boulet Scott College of Business Mentoring Prg $1,750.00
5 Networks Professional Development Program $1,530.00
Bridge the Gap 15 Donor Challenge
15 Donors to Bridge the Gap Scholarships will unlock a $1,500 gift from Ken Senseman and Rita Burns Senseman
15 / 15 Donors
Give to Blue Day 50 Student Donors Challenge
When 50 Students make a gift on Give to Blue Day, it will unlock a $5,000 gift from Don Dudine to the Student Philanthropy Organization!
50 / 50 Gifts
Give to Blue Day 500 Donor Challenge
500 donors to Give to Blue Day will unlock a $20,000 gift to the Fund for ISU from Joe and Michele Evelo!
500 / 500 Donors
Bailey College of Engineering and Technology Bridge the Gap Endowed Scholarship 10 Donor Challenge
10 Donors to the Bailey College of Engineering and Technology Bridge the Gap Endowed Scholarship will unlock a $20,000 gift from Steve and Gloria Bailey!
10 / 10 Donors
Sycamores Everywhere are Supporting ISU!
Rank State Gifts
1 IN 39
2 FL 2
2 CA 2
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